Community Pantomime 2024
This year’s multi-media inter-generational Community Panto is ‘Scrooge’ which will be performed in the Discovery Centre Cinema on 6th & 7th December 2024. There are several different ways for children and adults of all ages to get involved:
1. Onstage acting roles for adults and young people;
2. Filmed acting, puppetry and dance roles for children;
3. Behind the scenes roles helping with lighting, sound, costumes, props, hair and make-up; and Front of House welcoming the audience.
1. Onstage acting roles
Apply: by noon 17th September
Auditions: 24th September
Auditions will be held on Tuesday 24th September at the Discovery Centre Cinema between 3.30pm and 6.30pm. Exact times for audition slots will be allocated on 17th September following the application deadline. There are 16 principal roles available, 10 of which are for adults or teenagers and 6 of which are for children aged 8-11. The auditions will take the form of short informal group workshops comprising a physical and vocal warm-up and the chance to act part of a scene from the panto with other auditionees.
Dates and Times
Those offered an onstage principal role in the pantomime should commit to attending the rehearsals and performances on the dates listed below. The exact times when individuals will be required for weekly rehearsals will be decided once the show is cast, taking account of different ages and the final cast members’ availability.
Please note that some extra rehearsals may also be added later with mutual agreement of cast members as required. Please note that to help cover some of the costs of putting on the show there will be a charge of £20 for all cast members taking part this year. If you require any further details please contact Dorothy McDonald on 07971 371 967.
You can apply for an audition by clicking here and completing the form.
2. Children’s Filming in October Holidays
Apply: by noon 17th September
Filming Dates: 7th-11th October (First week of school holidays) at Bute Parish Church Hall.
Children of primary school age will have the opportunity to take part in some of the multi-media elements of the show which will be filmed in advance. We will be using a green-screen and puppets, and the children will have the opportunity to act, be puppeteers and/or sing and dance.
Sessions will be either in the morning or afternoon and exact timeslots will be allocated once we have reviewed all applications. We anticipate that children will be required for up to 2 ½ hours each day and children must be available for the whole five days of filming either in the morning or afternoon depending on which timeslot they are allocated. Children must be registered with Achievement Bute to participate.
Please note that places are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis. The cost is £20 per child.
If you require any further details please contact Angie Dight on
You can apply for a place for your child by clicking here and completing the form.
3. Helping behind the scenes
We are looking for volunteers to help with various aspects of the production including lighting, sound, props, hair & make-up, costumes, and front of house (welcoming the audience and dealing with tickets & programmes).
Dates and Times
If you require any further details please contact Dorothy McDonald on 07971 371 967.
If you would like to volunteer please click here and complete the form.